



Brandon was a stray when Feline Friends picked him up and had him treated for an injured paw. Then approximately 5 years old, he had obviously been struggling and was wary of humans.

It took a while for him to settle and trust his foster dad, but once he did it became clear that Brandon is a very affectionate cat. One morning, he decided he wanted to be stroked and has not left his fosterer’s side since.

He loves the sofa, and to sit on your lap and be stroked EVERYWHERE. He loves to sleep on the bed at night and will give your hand a full body grapple and not let you move it until he is satisfied. He sleeps in very funny positions, sometimes on his back with his legs up in the air. He is very amusing.

He is a very polite and curious boy. He loves to play with strings, balls and springs. He also loves Lick-e-lix. A bit too much. And he wants to go outside again, meowing at other cats from my window as they pass.

Brandon is looking for a loving new home with a secure garden and a patient human or two to bond and spend lots of time with once he gets settled in.

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Is this cat neutered? Yes

Is this cat part of a bonded pair? No

What is the colour of the cat? Gray/White

What is the sex of the cat? Male

What is the cat date of birth? 02/22/2019

Is this an indoor only cat? No

Would this cat be suitable for a household with small children? Yes

Would this cat be suitable for a house with other cats? Yes

Would this cat be suitable for a house with other pets? Unsure

Does this cat have special needs? No